Cleantech and Sustainability
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We work with companies whose pioneering innovations are helping humankind meet our most pressing environmental challenges. These organisations are delivering new products and services that help tackle climate change, reduce waste, and build a more sustainable future.

This is in the context of a world searching for an accelerated route to Net Zero and a new post-oil economy. Above all, we help clients build communications and policy strategies that change the world for the better. Our carefully assembled team of experts works with established global players and start-ups alike in building a coherent message that resonates with key stakeholders across the media, government, and civil society.

Building a coherent strategy
We quickly help clients identify their strategic priorities, both in terms of short and long-term impact. We help organisations look beyond the urgent pressures of today and develop a programme of activity that delivers on their media and public policy objectives in the long term.
Developing clear messaging
We help clients distil often complex concepts into easily digestible messages that will resonate with the people that matter. We ensure too that this messaging can be delivered consistently even at times of crisis. 
Maintaining an ‘Always-on’ newsroom
We deliver an always-on newsroom service utilising existing strong contacts with environment editors at national newspapers across Europe, the US, and beyond. This means that clients can tell the world why what they are doing will make a meaningful difference to the planet and society.
Creating powerful content
Our team of writers regularly delivers engaging short and long-form copy for clients. This includes international press kits, case studies, thought leadership pieces, and White Papers. This content is designed to appeal to journalists who increasingly have little time to digest the complexities of stories.
Providing public policy counsel
Issues relating to the environment have become the foremost public policy topics of the day. Our team provides strategic counsel to clients looking to help shape the political landscape in Whitehall, Westminster, and the devolved administrations.
Doing Well by Doing Good
Communicating with Authenticity in the Era of Greenwashing
Alex Pegler Joins Context to Lead Cleantech Offering